Monday, April 18, 2011

Bringing Home Baby Sister

Remembering to take joy in the little things of my day is one of the hardest parts of being a mama. I'm pretty good about the big stuff- birthdays, holidays, lost teeth, graduations. Those things are great but they really pale in comparison to day to day stuff. For example, on Saturday I paid the boys their allowance for their chore charts. Nolan owed me money from a recent purchase, so after he anted up, he ran with his two quarters to his bank. He then ran back to the kitchen with two fists full of dollar bills and change and put it all into our "baby sister" money jar. I told him not to, but he said he wanted to and he put it all in there. I cried. Today T helped David till Nana & Bopa's garden by walking through the dirt in his crocs, breaking up the clumps as he went. Last night T got 4 purple gumballs out of his machine and asked me to give them to Taylor Rose; she likes purple.